FINS for the Watch Industry is designed to help companies

greatly improving profit by reducing inventory, freeing up cash flow, improving turnover and increasing gross margin

A test case using real numbers demonstrates the immediate and on-going benefits and increased profitability of FINS implementation over the first year. For this example we use a watch brand with typical considerations:

  • 10 million USD yearly business with a gross margin of 50% of the total sales (turnover).
  • Net purchasing of 5 Million and profit of 10% of the turnover.
  • 6 Months of inventory is currently necessary to avoid shortages and optimize sales, accounting for a 5 Million USD/year in purchasing andcarrying cost of 2.5 Million USD.

By transitioning from a traditional manufacturing model to the FINS solution, the above brand could realize the following benefits:

  • Maintain the same product availability but reduce inventory from 2.5 Million USD to 0.8 Million USD within 6 months of implementation.
  • Free up 2.15 Million USD of net cash flow, based on inventory reduction with around 70% of cash invested in inventory.
  • Increase of gross margin without additional investments which yield a 55% increase in profit in the first year.

Inventory Reduction

Total inventory: 0.8 Million USD total of which 0.3 Million USD is finished products & 0.5 Millionis non-assembled components.

Inventory reduction is a key component of the FINS solution. By carefully analyzing current inventories, reviewing logistics and applying component standardization where possible, immediate reductions are realized.

Then, the FINS algorithm is applied on previous and current orders to calculate components consumptions based on sales data, replenishment times, and best sellers. Over the next few months, non-turning inventory is eliminated and logistics are streamlined. FINS constantly compiles and analyzes data to further optimize inventory, typically reducing from 6 months to as little as 1 month quantity of finished watches.

Cash Flow Improvement

Cash Flow: 1.65 + 0.5 (initial cash flow) + 0.5 (additional sales) = 2.65 Million USD. Freed up cash flow: 2.15 Million USD

Inventory reduction begins immediately and is fully optimized within 6 months of FINS implementation. This reduction to a lean inventory reduces carrying costs from 2.5 million USD to just .8 million USD, freeing up 2.15 million in net cash flow.

Turnover Improvement

Turnover: 10 Million USD + 10% the first year

FINS uses a complex inventory optimizing algorithm designed specifically for the watch industry. It learns over time - replenishingthe most frequently used components based on purchase order history. It also analyzes sales across regions to optimize collections.

Then, sales turnover improvements are implemented including segmenting merchandise by country or retailer to better match demand anddropshipping for specific regions to streamline deliveries. Adding efficiencies, improving merchandising and delivering goods to market fastertypically increasing sales by 10-15% without added costs. In fact, the system is designed to absorb a 10% turnover increase the first year without additional components costs.

Gross Margin Improvement

Gross margin: 5 Million USD + 10% the first year

FINS creates efficiencies at the inventory, manufacturing, shipping and retaillevels that add sales without additional investments, thereby gross margins are increased significantly. Watches are only produced when they are needed and dead inventory is eliminated.

Profit increases of up to 55% are typical within the first year of implementation.

The revolutionary FINS system for the Watch Industry is an all-in-one solution that speeds up production, reduces inventory and gives watch brands immediate and on-going cost savings and more profit.

Ready to see how FINS can help grow your Watch Business?
Register to try out our fully functional online live demo to see exactly what you get with
the FINS manufacturing software solution for the watch industry.

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Fins Success Stories and Case Studies